Saturday 6 April 2013

The Barman

The Barman

He is tall and perhaps imposing, but makes a welcoming impression, his persona is what makes his living. He's the man in charge but wants you to relax, as this is your night out and he wants you to enjoy it. A formal shirt for the older gentlemen; but with a casual look so as not to intimidate you; and maybe an open collar to attract the ladies. He knows what you want and does his best to get it as quickly as possible; but is happy to chat when the pressure is off to make you feel more like a friend. He is young with light eyebrows but is happy to help others and train people in the art of his craft. When the bar is busy; his word is law. It is his decision alone to keep things in order: and his job alone to decide who should be next. Those who argue are sure to be delayed; yet those same people may never return.

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