Wednesday 10 April 2013

Fenny Hill Rough

In the Worcestershire countryside lies an old abandoned fort. Its ramparts have stood the test of time as green ivy clads around the orange brick walls. A domed tower in the corner serves as a sentry post which looks south-easterly over the fields. On the approach, there are plump pheasants and great white geese with giant orange plastic beaks in the western field leading up to the hill. As you climb the hill, you can see over the ramparts into the courtyard beyond. A garden centre was once here, and shrubs and bushes are still there today. Beyond the walls is a wood, with a footpath descending down into the pit. At the bottom is a small stream which flows through this miniature valley, accompanied by an old rusty and now broken water pump. On the ascent to the surface, a row of silver birches protects the wood and forms the dividing line between the fields. Deathly silence reigns.

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