Sunday 21 December 2014

Tickets Please...

One of the most strangest things that I've found while travelling on rural train journeys is the humble policy of the ticket. You arrive at the station ten minutes before the train is due only to find that the ticket office is closed. You queue to use one of the self-service machines; only to find that the group in front of you aren't aware of the quantity option and have to wait while they process four separate transactions. You then have to decide whether there's time to get your ticket or jump on the train and complain about the self-service machines; to which they just indifferent sell you a ticket anyway; and that's if they can be bothered to turn up at all. But if you're not at the starting station then you can just literally just turn up at any station at all; and as long as you look embedded into your seat you can simply walk past the exit gate without anyone doubting you as to not paying the fare at all.

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