Sunday 14 December 2014

Christmas Party Chaos

For some strange reason, it was all down to me to organise our Christmas party. The guy who’s hardly in the workplace; doesn’t get introduced to any new colleagues or invited out to any staff socials. It was hard enough to try and work out who was going, who was paying and to get the money off everyone on time. Then add a twist by taking along a group of immature people who’ve never experienced foreign cuisine before and an unsympathetic hostess who doesn’t recognise that people want to relax and have a good time. It’s then a task to keep everyone happy and calm while waiting for their food and explaining what’s going on; while also trying to determine why the plan has changed. For some reason people get very paranoid  when they take insults, and we got a stern telling-off for extinguishing candles. I won’t be organising another one for this crowd.

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