Wednesday 24 December 2014

Happy Pistmas

It’s been a long standing tradition with friends that on Christmas Eve we meet up for drinks and stay up all night to drink in Christmas Day. As soon as it becomes midnight we’re tearing off the paper wrapped gifts that we so neatly executed only hours before. Yet this year, we all had other priorities. The novelty of the event had worn off. Which was strange as I had no other commitments the following day other than to roll out of bed with a hangover into a pile of presents; then lounge around until the pub opened for pre-Christmas dinner drinks. One friend was just ill; one was just tired and the other was committed to attend them as they were sharing a taxi back home. This prompted me to dispatch my final friend as well owing to the fact that he had a friend who was to collect him and would appreciate an early night. Next year we need to make it more of an occasion, and for that to happen we really need to make something happen to truly celebrate the year. Anyway, Happy Christmas.

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