Friday 26 December 2014

The Boy Who Wore A Dress

 On Boxing Day I was trying to decide what to do with myself and, while I should have really been working and getting things up to date; I decided to stay within the holiday spirit and watch a bit of telly. From the onset; the title just sounds wrong; and the fact that it's been made into a children's prime time viewing slot just makes it wronger still; and I was right. But I did give it a chance. It's by David Walliams; who; besides being gay and dressing up in women's clothing; has also published a series of children's books. With a prime show such as this; I would expect some sort of morale to the story; especially as it was devised by a leading celebrity author. But no. Instead it was about an attention seeking boy who decided to delve into transvestism simply because his mother had ran away from home. I'm not a stickler for the rules; in fact I'm often far from it. But to call in a far-fetched plot to say it's OK to parade in a dress isn't much out of the question of becoming a transvestite. Which, to be honest; isn't a great role models to shout out to the kids during prime time viewing.

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