Saturday 20 December 2014

That Dumb Waiter

I've just been reading about the restoration of a pub in Essex. While I applaud their efforts to restore the pub; (What's Brewing; Jan 2015); I was also curious to read of their installation of 'a dumb waiter'. Why would such a pub choose to host a waiter similar to the capabilities of Manuel from Faulty Towers? Did the owners of the pub subscribe to an amateur dramatics society? After I goggled the term it turns  out that a dumb waiter is a form of elevator used for food; but why the writer assumes that the common reader is aware of this is unknown. Perhaps I should visit the pub to inspect the dumb waiter; expecting him to throw a plateful of drinks on my lap or bring me cabbage cheese instead of cauliflower. The rest of the article relates to the pub's features; but I shall now visit expecting a moustached Spaniard playing a guitar singing Kum by Ah in between burning down the kitchen.

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