Monday 22 December 2014

Shouldn't have said that...

I have a habit of saying the wrong thing, even if I’m only telling the truth. It sometimes makes me appear a bit tactless. Yesterday I was tasked with taking some presents over to my Uncle’s house; something that my brother had forgotten to do. It was a fairly dark evening but early, and I was on my way home from work after a twelve hour shift; and after finding the house and finding the best place to park I was begging that they wouldn't be in. But unfortunately they were; so instead of leaving the presents on the doorstep I was obliged to ring the bell and got invited in. So I chatted for a bit about work; asked how my cousins were and discussed how we were each spending Christmas. And then came the lull. We tried to fill it with football news as it was on the telly at the time but I’m not a big football fan, so that didn't last very long. So, having done the deed I pleaded my long work shift and announced my plans to depart. Then right at the doorstep I mentioned that my brother was supposed to do this task but forgot, so he had my pleasure instead. Of course my uncle was very polite and just wished me a happy Christmas; but anyone who properly listened to this conversation would now realise my opinions on the task; but I only realised what was said when I returned to the car with a guilty conscience. However, if I had been offered a cup of tea, it might have been a whole different story…

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