Tuesday 16 December 2014

Catch-up for a catch-up

I’ve had an old college friend come to visit me today for a catch-up. It’s been a long day as I still had a work shift to complete and I was asked to start earlier than usual to account for the Christmas period. We still have an imminent health and safety inspection which I need to prepare for as I won’t be available for the day of the visit. So I then have to change the daily rota plan to get this complete; all the while the staff are complaining because it means that they can’t stand around while it’s quiet. And while I’m on the floor preparing and filing the paperwork; in walks our area manager who naturally wants to know what is going on. After yet more overtime and trying to understand my admin co-ordinator’s filing system; I give up and explain to her what has been done. Then I give up on everything and head out the door.

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