Wednesday 27 May 2015

Saturday with everyone

I had a great day out on Saturday. After washing the vans at work and finishing on time; I headed home and straight for a power nap. Then after a refreshing sleep it was time for a shower ready for Dad's birthday meal. I was in and out just in time and we were very impressed with the Mercedes with leather seats that turned up to collect us. I did tell the driver that Dad wasn't to know where we going but we still took a very long route to arrive there. However; the fare was very reasonable and the meal was absolutely brilliant. We had prawn crackers on arrival with our drinks while we waited for my brother and there was lots of choice when the starters arrived. I managed a bit of everything and even two mains but I was absolutely stuffed afterwards. Then it was a mile walk to the other end of the village for a few evening drinks with friends.

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