Friday 29 May 2015

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Not my favourite book in the series; but still a very entertaining and important book. We learn more of Harry’s family history, and clues are discovered bit by bit in order for the tri-wizard trio to make their deductions about the latest events in the wizarding world. We meet the Knight Bus, which seems quite a logical method of transport at present for witches and wizards to get around. We’re also given fantastic details about witch trials; mythical creatures who the characters acknowledge as just present in their society; and more amazing spells and feats. The conclusion however, is so barmy and unexpected that even Dumbledore does not dare to interfere; for fear of his authority being questioned. Rowling’s narrative is so addictive and fast paced that the reader isn’t even given a chance to ponder the character’s actions; and instead is thrown into the next chapter as more exciting details of the magical universe are unleashed upon us.

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