Thursday 28 May 2015

A pre-emptive Future... Of Sorts.

Last night I had a very bizarre dream. I was at someone's house in Banbury when I realised that I didn't have my phone with me. Luckily I had an on-line tracker, but instead of being St home it was on the move around my home town. The funny thing was that I actually forgot my phone this morning, and I really could have used it today as my colleague was late and I had no other way of contacting him to find out where he was. I also had to send some documents over, and due to the limited technology the only way that I could do it was to take a picture using a phone then emailing them to my work account. I knew that I had forgotten it as soon as I left the house; but I would have been late if I had turned round and went back to collect it. Spooky!

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