Wednesday 27 February 2013

Staples. Not so easy.

I seem to have a problem with Staples. Not the shop; they're generally quite good; but the actual machine you use to attach pieces of paper together. How difficult can it be, you think. Just one press and you're done. Oh sure, if you've got a shiny new stapler, it's no problem. But if you're just looking for a quick fix to do one simple job; oh I'll just borrow that stapler cos it's sitting there and it'll be nice and quick; it never happens. First you find out that the last person to use it has either used the last staple on the planet; or has somehow managed to cause a 10 staple pile-up and run away. You then have to travel the globe to obtain new staples; or open the thing up and watch them explode everywhere. Either way, you pick the staples up and they just crumble in your hand. You then have to load the dam thing and it either slides out the loader or it just mis-fires. You then dam the thing to hell and walk away; vowing to be very careful where you file the paperwork instead. Unless I'm the only one to use the entire planet's supply of staples.

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