Saturday 23 February 2013

Another Friday night in...

It's Friday night. Usually, I'm out with the lads, sinking a few bevies, staggering home after visiting a variety of establishments and feeling rather fuzzy in the morning. However, unlike the lucky people that get to stay nice and cosy at home being nursed back to the world with a bacon sandwich; I actually have to get up rather fuzzily and prepare myself the joys of the Saturday job. Lately though, Friday night's become a bit of a desert. For starters, I occasionally have to work late on a Saturday, so often it's hard to make time to come home, eat, shower and be away somewhere. If I really get organised and have energy; I occasionally manage to arrive a pint behind everyone else. But recently, I've not been doing that at all. And tonight's also a strange one, because while the world is screaming 'the week-end has started; have a bevy or switch off and watch a film'; I'm been sat at my computer. Not playing games for a change, but actually getting something done. Which is quite strange, as this weekend I'm working both Saturday and Sunday. Maybe it's a hidden conscience as I didn't go to the gym this morning; and I'm trying to free time so that when nice weather prevails, I won't be forced to sit at a computer and wade through e-mails. Or at least trying to; when the bloomin' broadband decides to work. Anyway, I'm off to Bedfordshire. Night night.

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