Thursday 21 February 2013

Buck up!

That's the message I'm putting out there today. I've been over to Swindon earlier as part of a work forum. It's an adventure in itself if you have to drive down, owing to the Magic Roundabout. But anyway, the aim of the day was to talk through regular problems in the workplace. And now I've just stopped typing and picked up my phone, and noticed my back is killing me. Wonder if it's all to do with the driving. Right. Focus! I need a subject matter here. So we all discussed our problems; which is all worrying as it can be a bit of a moanfest. Sometimes problems do need to be made known. Sometimes it's the lack of communication; that the task hasn't been set up right at all. But other times you need to be told to shut up and stop whinging. You've made your point; this is what we can do; now go and do something about it or forget it completely. Because if you're not prepared to take any action or get involved in the solution, then why bother in the first place?

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