Tuesday 12 February 2013

If you're at the top you should be the last to surrender

Now I'm not a religious person but I found it quite strange that the Pope announced that he was standing down. I never liked the look of this pope, I always thought he had evil eyebrows; John Paul looked much friendlier and didn't seem to scream: 'I'm ripping you off behind your back!' As ex-pope has now announced that he would like to devote the rest of his life to prayer. In a palace. As if a monastery wouldn't do. The strange thing is; in six hundred years it's the first time this has been done. For six hundred years no other pope has given up the throne; they've gotten old and gone upstairs; or they've been pushed downstairs for various reasons. But to give up the crown to go and live in the Summer Palace is surely like living on expenses? Watch this space... 

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