Wednesday 7 May 2014

Royal Oak, Kenilworth

The royal oak is a quietly kept secret in Kenilworth. It's nestled not by the castle or near the high street but in a side road heading out of town. The outside gives the impression of a trad pub gone modern; with posters and banners outside promoting live sport and lager. But inside it's an old fashioned room that's between the borderline of old and rundown. The landlord is a young and welcoming chap but disappears as soon as he's had my money; only reappearing when his loyal locals arrive. It's a shame there's no history to promote this pub; the five pumps circling the small bar seemed to be the only attraction for me. At least there's some comfy sofas to relax on while I watch the adverts in between the cricket and rugby. Hopefully his upcoming beer festival will enable him to engage with younger and unfamiliar customers. It's the basis of being a good landlord. 

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