Friday, 14 February 2025

Picking a Priest #empress 23

The monks started to increase their chanting. Faster and faster they chanted, while standing and kneeling repeatedly with their hands reaching from the air into the ground. The empress watched in fascination until the repetitiveness of it started to give her a headache.

‘All right, that’s enough of that’ she said. With a pinch of two fingers, she lifted one of them up into the air. The chanting ceased instantly. ‘Ah, that’s got your attention. Oh, you poor gentlemen. You’ve probably spent your entire lives dedicated to this temple. It’s a shame that you haven’t been able to do anything useful with your lives. Here, let me show you a real woman'.

With that, she placed the priest directly into her cleavage. Each one of her oversized breasts was plumper than the temple at this point. It was amazing how she could anything of that size around. You had to admire the royal seamstress’s work.

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