Monday 13 April 2015

Soul Music

Soul Music is a very entertaining tale of death and music. It’s a heavy action novel with many of the Discworld’s popular characters all battling it out to get on top of one another for the supremacy of Ankh-Morpork, only this time with music! While the action is sometimes very fast-paced; all of the storylines blend in perfectly within and each character’s motive is original and unique which makes it a happy outcome for almost all at the end, leaving no social observers in between. It’s one of those books that you’ll want to read again, just to see the antics of a particular character. Very entertaining, and if you know your music then they’ll be some great references in there for you. It’s a great shame that this was written before the time of TV karaoke competitions; otherwise there would have been some great parodies (though that makes the story’s perspective even more unique). Don’t fear the reaper!

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