Sunday 9 November 2014

Railway Rouges

Last night I made a resolution to go to the pub more. So I started by visiting the Railway in Studley; mainly to get rid of my last batch of the Worcestershire Pint Taken magazine. I arrived just before seven, which I thought would be a fairly quiet time as the drinking crowds would still be at home tanking themselves up for their big night. I ordered a pint and duly distributed the magazines then the question was where to park myself. There was a large screen TV showing a match, and all of the nearby tables were full apart from the one underneath it. So I decided to prop up the bar with the intention of chatting up one of the lovely barmaids. Unfortunately, this stood directly in the way of some locals who wanted the best of both worlds. My only option was therefore was to retire to a corner on my own, until a bunch of chavs decided to sit at the adjacent table to order a meal. Not a great place to visit if you’re new in town.  

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