Saturday 9 March 2013

No authority stood in my way!

Today I was on a mission. I had a lot to achieve in minimum time. I had various goals that I needed to complete and boy, did nothing stand in my way. First off was the fitness regime of 50 lengths. The pool was crowded and people were in the way of the changing rooms but I just barged right in there and asserted my independence. Next up was a bit of campaigning to save a local pub. I had to deliver four letters to addresses I'd never known existed; all in the space of an hour with no route planning. Had I checked the route; I would have saved myself a bit of al loop but I got the job done with seconds to spare with thanks to google maps. Back at home, I then walked to my former workplace to deliver a farewell card to a former colleague. I get distracted on the way and walk the straightest route but not the fastest route. To be continued...

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