Saturday 2 June 2012

Am I a British Republican?

This weekend marks the 60th year of the Queen's Jubilee... or something of that sort. There is no bunting outside the house, I haven't been invited to any parties or care that that I have to attend any sort of dedication; other than the fact than I get more time off work. Long live democracy. However, the media seems to dictate that my house should be full of bunting; I should have a BBQ party on standby and that I should be drinking some sort of mass Pimms/booze product. Do I support the Royals? Well, since Prince Andrew announced that he's selling his land to a wind farm to make billions and upset the view of the locals; then no.

In the pub tonight, someone asked a friend if they were supporting the Jubilee this week-end; they said: "No, I'm a Republican". Now I do agree that we have a choice not to support the Jubilee, but does that make me a Republican? I usually associate Republicans with American politics, as we don't have them here in Britain. I don't agree with George Bush's antics; though I do agree with Obama's. But who is a republican? And can a British Republican be a different term?

The traditional definition of Republican (according to Wikipedia) is party that opposes anti-slavery; though with a few people that I know working in a capitalist environment I'd say that we haven't had a Republican Party in Britain for a while. So I was surprised to learn that Mr. Bush was one of them. Though the US is in a depression now; and Obama leads democracy; surely that say something...

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