Friday 18 May 2012

It's a mad mad mad mad world...

Am I mad? I wondered quite a bit about that yesterday as I stood outside Redditch Library eating a pasty. At least two people thought I was strange as I ate my lunch. But I suppose it's better to be mad than normal, as that would just be boring. Then inside the Library half of it was missing; though I did manage to find Great Expectations in the Classics section. However, it's getting close to the time that I actually need to find out where they actually keep their books. Maybe I should ask if they've robbed by the conservatives...

Great Gatsby wasn't so great; however I appreciate how short the book was. So I can move onto better things.

Found my first geocache today; but I'm not going to find any more until I get the next batch of Pint Takens; then at least I can leave stuff behind. Went for a meal with Steve at the Tardebigge; it wasn;t bad but we ended up in the kiddies area and had to wait fifteen minutes for a beer to arrive. Also went to see the Dictator, which was funny but needed more of the Dictator in power and less of the story. Would have worked better as a mocumentary. Is that a word - I'm referring to a mock documentary.

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