Monday 21 May 2012

Dig deep and charity you will find. Or just laziness.

So last week we went to see the Dictator; my friend has a card that lets us get discounts; it had expired. However, the team at the cinema couldn't actually be bothered to seek out the forms; hence the date wasn't checked and we were just waved through. Hooray for sloppy work.

As we were leaving the car park, I sat down in the car then remembered that the parking token was in my back pocket. So I opened the door, climbed out of the car, reached into my pocket, pulled out the token, placed it on the dashboard, then climbed back inside. The problem was that the token had slid over the dashboard and into the front recesses of the windshield. And I could not the fucking thing out. First I tried opening the bonnet to see if it had slid underneath (which it took me a while to remember how to do so). Then I pulled up the dashboard cover but still couldn't see it. After reversing a couple of feet I managed to get a bright light to shine over the dashboard and caught a glimpse of the chip. I then tried to wedge it out with a piece of cardboard but only managed to wedge it further down the hole. After pulling back into the parking space to let someone go; I finally set out to do battle...

But once I'd approached the barrier and rung up the Security team; they just said not to worry about it; and could we drop in the chip once we'd found it?

Just discovered that there's a load of food and club vouchers on my hard drive that have actually expired. Including 2 4 1 on films. Youch. Raw Deal is currently on the telly but I can't remember much of it other than Schwarzenegger cones to the Usa from the USSR. But what the fuck is the butch fat blob on the bar supposed to be? Then there's the flat breasted chick and the bloke they throw in the dressing room. Just what is the point of throwing red liquid over him then saying "that's what you're going to look like when you're dead"?

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