Monday 2 February 2015

On-line Pizza

Last week I took part in something that borders on the anti-social. I came home and didn’t want to cook, didn’t want to go out again and didn’t want to speak to anybody. So I took part in a new internet craze; ordering pizza on-line. I found a new pizzeria and placed my first order. I even had the option to pay cash; but that’s so twentieth century. So in went the credit card details; half wondering if I was even on the right site or whether my order would even reach them. But it was done; and the next thing that popped up on the screen was that my pizza was being made. And the strangest thing was; it was actually delivered within twenty minutes. And the guy didn’t even hang about for a tip. It was a shame that my screen never got updated. And the pizza was warm, but a little dry. But still, it was all done and dusted within the hour.

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