Saturday 9 March 2013

No authority stood in my way!

Today I was on a mission. I had a lot to achieve in minimum time. I had various goals that I needed to complete and boy, did nothing stand in my way. First off was the fitness regime of 50 lengths. The pool was crowded and people were in the way of the changing rooms but I just barged right in there and asserted my independence. Next up was a bit of campaigning to save a local pub. I had to deliver four letters to addresses I'd never known existed; all in the space of an hour with no route planning. Had I checked the route; I would have saved myself a bit of al loop but I got the job done with seconds to spare with thanks to google maps. Back at home, I then walked to my former workplace to deliver a farewell card to a former colleague. I get distracted on the way and walk the straightest route but not the fastest route. To be continued...

Thursday 7 March 2013

Victorian Novels

I've just finished reading Emma, a novel set in those Victorian fancy days. It's a very fascist novel about high society and who can dominate the other household by being the most polite. It would have been a lot easier if each of their characters died a horrible horrible death. Not much conflict and happenings at all; it would have been a lot more interesting if the characters engaged in conversation other than gossip. Lower class is a lot more interesting as there's more going on and people are at more of a struggle; but maybe that's why TV dominates nowadays. Or maybe I should take life down a step further and write a bum's life novel.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Cheese Night

Tonight's pub experience was a great example of how a community pub should be run. The cheese night brought people together to try different foods that they wouldn't normally dare to try. People brought in their own supply of cheese or deli food; and would spend no more than £2 - £3 per person. You place it on the sharing table; then when everyone arrives everyone digs in and shares everything! So everyone gets to share a cheap buffet at a low cost; and the pub benefits too as more people visit to take part and buy drinks as well. And the best bit is that it's actually a local that suggested the idea rather than the publican himself.

Monday 4 March 2013

Still on the search for that perfect local...

So I've been a bit bored of the local bars lately. It's difficult to find a decent boozer where you walk in and most people know your name and are happy to be recognised. Yesterday I went a bit further afield into the city to visit a few pubs I've had on my to do list; in the hope that at least one of them might provide refuge. Bumped into two other people around the bars that I knew; random but fun. But it's a half hour train ride each way, so not a journey I'd be willing to take weekly.

Friday 1 March 2013

A tale of two pubs

I'm trying to clear as much junk out of the hobbit hole as possible at the moment. Tonight I realised I still had some pub magazines to get rid of; the new edition would be out tomorrow. So I decided to pop down my local chain pub for a cheap pint. When I arrived there was hardly anyone in the pub; only four beers on and none of them looked particularly appealing. Looking around at the lack of beer and lack of people, I then decided to try the other chain pub about 200 yards down the hill. This pub was absolutely packed; but only had the one extra beer to try. Also, a disco was in full swing. Very bizarre for a Thursday. Still on the hunt for a true local; don't think I'll find it in this town.