Thursday 3 January 2013

New Year Resolutions

So OK, it's time for more frequent posts. And I know I said that last month with the app and all, and I have. But still not as often as I'd like.

But then 2013 kicks in, it's the year of change. A year that I'm going to climb out of the hole. Change my life. Save a tree. Make Progress. Except that I have to work first thing. And get up late because of last night's party. But it's OK as everyone's always tired and hungover on New Year's Day (apart from the bloke who wanted blood for that printer we didn't have), and so resolutions officially don't start until tomorrow. And the strange thing is, people ask: 'Did you have a Good New Year'. On Day One. It's like Bilbo Baggins wishing Gandalf a good morning all over again.

But when the time comes to change, when it's actually time for action, you just know that however hard you try; there's always a limit. We always rely on each over to achieve our goals, in the smallest way possible, and, somewhere, where you least expect it, there's always some Gremlin that's going to get in your way. And that's just life folks.

Have a good one. And make it count. Show no mercy on those that become your Gremlin...

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