Wednesday 5 December 2012

A cheesy ol Time

Hopefully I'll be posting more regularly now as I have the Blogger App!

I've been meaning to get to the cheese night at the Gate Hangs Well for some time. Often I'm working late or I'm at a meeting or I'm too tired. But last night was the night. I went to Sainsburys, spent three quid on a wedge of White Yorkshire Wensleydale with Raspberry Cranberry and Shortcake cheese and jumped in. And it was excellent. There was even a new beer; Black Sheep Progress (the pub puts on a guest beer every Tuesday). But I couldn't find someone to go with which made it kind of sad. And it was the Xmas special; which kind of made it more difficult. And so I had a great feast but was kind of shy; the group were friendly but also awkwardly so. So I felt it right to leave after an hour and can't return...on my own anyway.

But just down the road was a lovely pint of Landlord from the Woodland Cottage; straight off the barrel as it was too lively from the handpump. And after leaving my second contribution of the evening; I was able to sit behind the fruit machine and read my little book in peace. Sigh...

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