Friday 14 December 2012


Still got a bit of a sniff from the cold yesterday. Lobby went well; will post more info when I've done the official biz...

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Icicles in Willemsey

A historic day today in CAMRA history; (hash tag beardie weirdies), off to Westminster for the biggest demonstration in our organisation's history. It's bloomin freezing outside and snow started to fall while we wait for our bus. Our mission: to moan to our MPs about the rising cost of the Beer Tax Escalator. Full details are at But it's a lovely winter wonderland as our bus passes through the Cotswolds.

Monday 10 December 2012


Boy, do parents of newborns have it hard; knowing exactly what their child needs. It's the true test of patience.

Friday 7 December 2012

Art of conversation

It's really hard when someone chooses naff music over the art of conversation. Like when they struggle to hear you at the bar; they've got no real ale and they don't want to engage as to why. Shame on you Golden Cross.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Déjà Vu Lost?

I used to keep a record of all my déjà Vu experiences but it seems they have all disappeared. Hmmm. Previous experiences include a baby being kidnapped in a soap plot and meeting a mate in a pub. Today's experience was covering for my manager on the shop floor while rushing around when she came back; however the outcome was different today.

Getting a bit bored with the beardy weirdy folk; some are stubborn and don't want change and to try new ideas. A bland beer from the Wadworth brewery too.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

A cheesy ol Time

Hopefully I'll be posting more regularly now as I have the Blogger App!

I've been meaning to get to the cheese night at the Gate Hangs Well for some time. Often I'm working late or I'm at a meeting or I'm too tired. But last night was the night. I went to Sainsburys, spent three quid on a wedge of White Yorkshire Wensleydale with Raspberry Cranberry and Shortcake cheese and jumped in. And it was excellent. There was even a new beer; Black Sheep Progress (the pub puts on a guest beer every Tuesday). But I couldn't find someone to go with which made it kind of sad. And it was the Xmas special; which kind of made it more difficult. And so I had a great feast but was kind of shy; the group were friendly but also awkwardly so. So I felt it right to leave after an hour and can't return...on my own anyway.

But just down the road was a lovely pint of Landlord from the Woodland Cottage; straight off the barrel as it was too lively from the handpump. And after leaving my second contribution of the evening; I was able to sit behind the fruit machine and read my little book in peace. Sigh...