Sunday 29 April 2012

Never rains but it pours...

How real is that? Was rushed off my feet at work today while everyone else just seems to bum around and socialise despite asking people to do various tasks. It's about time I worked with a bunch of people that cared.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Why still in 3D?

Went to see excellent Avengers assemble last night, though once again the novel of 3D soon wore off after 10 minutes. When will people realise that if there's a 2D version; the 3D version won't all be in 3D?

Thursday 26 April 2012

New Blog!

I have started a blog to see how my life improves. Here I'll share my plans, where I've been, and other stuff. Hopefully it'll help to get me out of this mess!